Body is principal pressure containing part of a valve, in which the closure element and seats are located. Whereas Bonnet is top part of a valve, attached to the body, which contains the packing gland, guides the stem, and adapts to extensions or operators. Body & Bonnet should be made of superior forging as these are critical part of a valve. We have experience in manufacturing forged body & bonnet in various grades having size range 1/2″ to 48″. To know more, please inquire specification sheet from our sales representative.
We are continuously manufacturing different types of valve parts as per client project requirement and specification. We are regularly manufacturing Cage, Trim-Part, Sleeve, Valve SEAT, Closure, Bleed Ring, Seal Ring, O-Ring, Stem, Hollow Bar, Valve Disc etc. The above parts can be shipped in finish machined as well as in pre-machined condition. For manufacturing range information, please visit NON-STANDARD FORGING page in PRODUCTS tab.
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