Ensure the highest quality standard of products has always been the top priority of RK Steels Forge.
We understand the importance of quality forged component. We adhere to challenge ourselves with latest international standards to maintain the same. The quality of our products and manufacturing processes is assured by certificates held by the company. We have separate QA department in our company to assure quality of our products by monitoring every process. Quality of product is well checked by NDT equipment of latest technology. The quality managing system is certified in compliance to ISO 9001 by UKAS.
Product Certification:
PED 2014/68/EU & AD2000 Merkblatt W0 by TUV Germany.
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN) for all provinces and territories in Canada.
System Certification: ISO 9001:2015 BY UKAS.
RK Steels Forge complies right from design stage to testing, from material procurement to the delivery of the final product with the National & International Codes/Standards, Quality Management System of ISO and mandatory Indian Boiler Regulations. We have written procedures and work instruction for every process started from procurement of raw material to dispatch of finish material.
We always prepared to meet the customer’s expectations with respect to quality, cost and delivery, and adhere to a total quality approach in all the activities.
We have experienced team of quality engineer having average experience more than 07 years capable to perform several Destructive Tests like Tensile Test, Impact Test, IGC Test, Hardness Test etc. according to ASTM (American) and BS (British) standards.
For Non-Destructive testing like Ultrasonic, Liquid Penetrant testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Visual Testing, we have personnel certified as NDT Level II under ASNT SNT-TC-1A guidelines. Our Positive Material Identification (PMI) process provide a reliable confirmation of the material involved.
RK Steels Forge has capability to handle TPI such as TUV, Lloyds Register, DNV, ABS, BVIS etc. for EN 10204-3.2 certification.